
Children, adolescents & adults

A comprehensive and well planned evaluation that is specialized to the individual is key to understanding overall functioning. Follow-up support with parents, teachers, and other professionals is important to support developmental and academic or occupational progress of the child, adolescent or adult.

Cognition difficulties

Assess Changes in Cognition:

  1. Head injuries & post-concussive syndrome
  2. Dementing disorders (e.g., Alzheimer’s disease)
  3. Stroke
  4. Seizure disorders
  5. Brain tumors
  6. Neurotoxin exposure

Assess Learning & Attention Concerns:

  1. Learning problems (reading, writing, mathematics)
  2. Language impairment (dysphasia)
  3. Attention concerns (ADD/ADHD) & executive function problems
  4. Derogations (early or late admission to kindergarten)
  5. Giftedness & IQ testing
Assessment of psychological disorders

Assessment of Concerns Related to:

  1. Stress, worry, anxiety
  2. Obsessions, compulsions, obsessions, rigidity, tics
  3. Pediatric Feeding Disorders, pill swallowing, poor food variety
  4. Personality, development, Autism Spectrum Disorders
  5. Sadness, depression, anger, emotional regulation


After the assessment: What's next?

After an assessment, additional services may be desired:

  • Support at Meetings: We are available to attend meetings within or outside school to help explain the results of the evaluation to teachers and to prioritize recommendations and negotiate accommodations.
  • Help Taking Action: Helping you implement the recommendations and advocate for accommodations at all levels of education. 
  • Psychoeducation: Continued information, education, and consultation after the assessment.
  • Other Therapeutic Interventions  

Following the assessment process, our clients often report experiencing a sense of hope and relief about a diagnosis and/or a greater understanding about their specific concerns. They feel a renewed sense of possibility about the future for themselves and/or their child.